Thursday, December 30, 2010
Oh the Spaghettios
London in her Princess Tent/Tunnel.
I truly believe that Christmas is now more fun than when I was a kid because of London. It is so exciting to wait for her reaction when she sees all her gifts under the tree. I could hardly wait for Christmas morning like I was 7 again. I can't imagine how fun it will be when she is older and knows what Christmas even is.
London woke up to a princess tent with a tunnel waiting for her. She screamed for joy when she saw it. She also got a little foam chair and a few other little things. Her excitement was my favorite part of Christmas this year. It was pretty cool having our first Christmas in our new home too. We were able to see a bunch of family all that day and our best friends on Christmas Eve night. Oh and London slept in which was like her present to me. There is nothing I love more than waking up in the morning on my own without an alarm clock, screaming baby, or noisy husband in the bathroom.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Trick Or Treat!
I'm a little crazy... I counted each trick-or-treater that came to our door. We had 102! I wanted to beat my Grandma this year, but she always gets up past 300. Maybe next year =) Matt is the best candy handouter for Halloween. He would do the funniest things to the kids. I'm a bore when it comes to stuff like that. So by the end of the night I was having him answer the door every time. London loved the trick-or-treaters more than going out and getting candy herself. She tried to escape several times with the kids. I know she was thinking 'hey, finally people my size. I'll just hang out with you now. See ya mom!'
I have to say that Halloween is the best when you have a home! I love decorating my place and buying the candy (which I bought double what I needed to). Now for Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Lions, Tigers, and Bears... Oh My!
I've decided that I love going to the zoo. London has enjoyed both times a lot. It amazes me how interested she is in all the animals at such a young age. And what a perfect way to spend an afternoon. You can take other people along, you're outside getting fresh air, you are getting a little bit of exercise, and it's educational! This last time there was a zoo keeper out showing everyone an owl she had on her arm. The owl is now my favorite bird, they're amazing! If I wasn't starting nursing school in January I would seriously consider getting a season pass to the zoo.
London's Birthday Party
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Our First Home!
This is our home! We love it! When we were buying it, we thought that maybe it would be our starter home and in several years upgrade to a bigger home. Now that we're here, we want to stay forever! We love this house and I wouldn't mind being in it for the rest of our lives. It has a beautiful view of the valley, a big backyard, nice neighbors, and so many other great things. Our master bedroom is huge with a walk in closet and a super sweet bathroom. London loves living here too. She has figured out how to go up and down stairs on her own so she is constantly exploring the house. She has her own bathroom too=) We've done a little painting to add a little color to the home. I have always dreamt of having my own home and being able to paint it and decorate the way I want. Now it's finally here! I hope that we'll have many many many great memories in this home.
London and I went to a pumpkin patch the other night with Brad, Rachael, and their girls. It was so much fun! London loved being able to run all around the pumpkins and haystacks. Isn't fall the best season?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
London's 1 Year Old Pictures

I still can't believe that my baby is almost 1. It's crazy to think that she has been a part of our lives for that long, but it's also crazy to think back of when we didn't have her. It feels like she has always been with us.
London is becoming more and more of a spitfire everyday. I laugh when I see her playing with other children because she doesn't follow them around (the older children) and want to be doing whatever they're up to, she'll instead play with what she wants to play with and go where she wants to. Most the time the big kids end up following her around! She's already a leader =) I am so grateful for her. She makes my life wonderful and very colorful. I can't even begin to explain how much I love her!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
London's Walking
London has started walking! She loves it and wants to do it all the time now. This video is taken at her Grandma Alice's home. Isn't she so cute? Matt is away right now in D.C. for work and she'll be a pro before he gets back. Today is his birthday too! He is now 28. London and I both miss him terribly.
We'll be moving into our new home in a little over a week. I am so excited! I'll post pictures of it once we're there.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Home Sweet Home

We are staying with our best friends for now while we still look for a home. I thought house shopping would be way fun but it's actually terrible! Most of the homes out there are completely retarded. It feels like we'll never find one that is just right for us.
I just finished a CNA class today. I had to take one for a new prerequisite that SLCC is requiring for the nursing program now. It is wonderful to have it done! I had to be in class every evening for 4 hours. I hated leaving London, but at least it was my mom and/or Matt taking her.
The picture above is of Pepper and I at Eclipse. We had a girl's night (well really afternoon) and went and saw a movie. I have to say that the movie was awesome! The best one out of the three so far.
London is crawling extremely fast and is constantly wanting to walk. She can't walk on her own yet, but she loves to grab your pointer fingers and walk with your support. It is so cute! Oh and she babbles like crazy. She said her first word this week. She was waiving to my mom as we were leaving and she said "bye-bye"! She is super close to saying dadda now too.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Salt Lake Here We Come!
We have the best news ever to report.... We get to move back to Salt Lake City!!! I am still screaming and jumping up and down from excitement. Now don't get me wrong, Alabama has been great, but we get to go back home! We are moving sometime in June. We still don't know exactly when, but we should be finding out for sure soon. We also hope to buy a home when we get up there. Can life be any more perfect? Blessings are just coming left and right. Now London will grow up with Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts, and Cousins all really close by. Just the way we want it. Oh yeah!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Scooting Madness!
London is now officially crawling! Well, it's not quite crawling... but pretty close. It's more like scooting. Every day she gets better and better at it. I attached a video of her doing it, but she does it at the very end.
Matt and I will be finding out in about two weeks if we are going to be Alabamians the rest of this year. He's requested to be transferred back to Utah. We're just keeping our fingers crossed! I'll keep you posted as soon as we know!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
First Easter
Ahhhhhh! London was really enjoying herself when we took this picture. She must love Easter as much as I did when I was little. It was my favorite holiday! The Easter Bunny gave London a basket with Laffy Taffys (because they are mom's weakness), bubbles, and a little blue puppy. We went for a little stroll between conferences and I wish everyone could see how beautiful Alabama is in the Spring. It totally beats Utah by a mile! There are these gorgeous white trees everywhere. And it is warm enough to wear flip flops and capris. I'll have a tan in no time! In fact, it is so warm already that the AC is running all day and night. I left the window open last night to try to get the place cooled down, and it cooled down to only 75. Crazy! I have a feeling this summer will be an experience!
Salt Lake Trip
A couple weeks ago the three of us made our first trip back to Salt Lake City. London was finally able to meet all of her family. We had a blast! It was a very busy trip, full of rushing around to see all the people we love. We didn't even get to catch everyone we wanted to! Of course I didn't get as many pictures as I was hoping, but below are a few good ones.
Traveling back to Salt Lake made us want to move back even more. It was crazy to see how big our nieces and nephews have gotten. We wouldn't had even recognized Abby, and she definitely didn't recognize us! I like to think that by the end of the trip she liked us =)
The worst part about living far away is that we miss so many family gatherings. I always love when the whole family gets together. Those are definitely some of my favorite times.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
March has already been busy!
The last week of February we three went to Atlanta to can some food for our food storage. We got beans, flour, rice, oats, sugar, apples, carrots, dry milk, and onions. It still isn't enough, but it is a start. I can't believe how relieving it is to know that we have a nice back up if times get hard. Hopefully we'll never have to use it. It was so fun though to go to the cannery with the people from our ward. We had a blast packing food and visiting.
Another exciting event is that London has started solids. I was going to wait until our trip to Salt Lake was over, but she is so ready that I couldn't put it off any longer. She isn't fond of the rice cereal yet. We died laughing when she took that first bite! She gets so excited when the spoon gets close to her mouth and she'll open big and wide, but then make the funniest and nasty faces when she tastes the cereal. She spits most of it out for now, but she'll have it down soon. I can't believe how big she is getting. Solids already?
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
She's Getting Big!
Okay, so I know that it probably seems like the only thing I can talk about or blog about is London, but she is so dang cute! And right now all of my attention and efforts go toward her, so she is about the only thing I think about =)
Matt loves to hold London with one arm up in the air for her to practice her balancing. She loves doing this with her papa. He claims that she is getting better at it. I imagine that she'll be able to sit up sooner on her own from doing this. I've attached the video of it for you all to see!
We will be going up to Utah in a month and a half! Woot woot! I am so excited that I can hardly stand it! We will be extremely busy trying to see everyone, I can't wait.
Matt loves to hold London with one arm up in the air for her to practice her balancing. She loves doing this with her papa. He claims that she is getting better at it. I imagine that she'll be able to sit up sooner on her own from doing this. I've attached the video of it for you all to see!
We will be going up to Utah in a month and a half! Woot woot! I am so excited that I can hardly stand it! We will be extremely busy trying to see everyone, I can't wait.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Blessing Day
London was blessed by her Papa on January 17th. It was so fun to dress her up in the beautiful white dress that my Aunt and cousins gave her. She looked so beautiful! Our best friends from Utah, Shawn, Pepper, and Ken, came down for the blessing. Sweet huh? London was nice and calm that morning. Neil Jensen, who was also in the circle, told us that she was smiling and looking up as if at Heaven. The blanket you see in the pictures was the blanket my mom and I were both blessed in also. Who knows, maybe one day London's daughter will be blessed in it!
Here are some photos of our friends that came down. We had such an awesome time with them! We played games and ate all weekend long. I cried when they had to go home! Thank goodness we get to see them in a couple of months!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
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