Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Matt had to work in Florida these last two weeks and I had the opportunity to join him over the weekend. This was our first trip without Londie Girl. It was a lot of fun! We went to Disney World (Animal Kingdom) one day and Universal Studios the other. Our favorite part was Harry Potter Land. Oh my gosh, they have the most scrumptious treat there... Butter Beer. Get it frozen with cream on top, and you'll be in Heaven. We were soaked with rain the first day and with that humidity, you can't dry out. So we were soggy people when we finally went back to the hotel at the end of the day.

Amazing, right?


Matt is hot

Even though it was a blast, it was wonderful to get back to London. She enjoyed sleeping over at Abby's and Grandma's. She is such an amazing girl. She loved her presents: "Pangled" doll and a minion shirt. I am so blessed to be her mom and get to spend every day with her. 

Yellowstone 2013

We love Yellowstone! We love our tent trailer! Which, by the way, made Yellowstone even more loveable. We were there for 7 days and could have stayed longer. Jared and his family were the only other Harpers that made it this year. Sadly, they were on the completely opposite side of the campground. However, I felt we still bonded and grew closer together as family. Alan and Jamie's clan came up with some friends, the Luke's. I love being surrounded by awesome people! We didn't see much wildlife, just some elk and a tiny amount of bison. This will probably be the year marked in history that there weren't any bison in Hayden Valley! Like zero!
On our last day. Up at Cannon.

London and Old Faithful

London begged Matt to buy her this hat. Just a few minutes later a woman from Asia asked if she could have her picture taken with London. There were other times that we caught people just taking pictures of her. I think that they were just tickled pink with a little girl with red hair =) Well, come on, who isn't?!

London's first time snorkeling!

Happy Birthday Family!

Matt and I copied an idea from someone in our ward. Instead of having an anniversary, we have a family birthday. It is the day our entire family was sealed to each other... was it not? So it only makes since to celebrate it all together and have a big day all about our family. This year we went to Bear Lake to celebrate. We saw a rodeo, went to a fair, swam at the pool, and of course... had raspberry shakes!

London didn't want to chase the chicken at the rodeo with all of the other kids, but she wanted to do the mutton race where the kids hold onto the sheep for dear life as their running like crazy. She can be so quirky sometimes....
Happy Birthday family! 7 awesome years!