Monday, October 19, 2009

Today is a wonderful day. That is because London was born yesterday, October 18th. She weighed 7 lbs 3 oz and is 21 1/4 inches long. She has red hair. We love that about her. She is very pretty. She is also very sweet. Of course every baby is sweet, but you can tell that she really is a sweetheart by the way she acts. She makes cute sounds while she sleeps too.

Sylvia is doing well. Everything in the birth went better than we could ask. We were originally going to have to induce because London was past her due date, but then she decided to come on her own. It was definitely an answer to prayers because we didn't want to have to induce. She was in labor for about 5 hours. That is pretty quick for a first child. Oh, it also happens that she will now share a birthday with her one year old cousin Abigail. I think they will both like that when they are older.

Sylvia did have an epidural which was a life saver. She thought that she may want to go natural with one of our children whether it was with London or another one. Now that she has gone through labor pain, she will difinitely be having the epidural every time. Nope, no going natural for her. I was glad to see her get the epidural finally too. It was tough seeing her struggling through the pain so badly. She was very tough though.

Today is rest day for Sylvia and London. Niether slept well yesterday. Sylvia and I were up for two days with only about 2 hours a sleep. Last night I got frustrated with the swaddling cloths and couldn't seem to burrito-ize London; so Sylvia took over, and I went to bed. I slept all night. Sylvia also got about 5 hours in, but she is still exhausted I think. She is asleep now though. That is nice to see.

Pictures to come soon...


  1. Congrats!!! Cant wait to see pictures!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. She looks PERFECT! What a beautiful family you have. I certainly miss you both. I am so happy to see that you are doing well in Alabama. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Thank you for inviting me to your blog - this made my day! :0)

  4. I'm so happy she and Abby share a birthday!! I promise you will sleep again! It feels like you never will, but I promise you will. We love you guys! :)
