London received her star yesterday at preschool. She is the very first one in her class to know all of the letters and their sounds! Miss Angie, her teacher, said that she will start teaching her how to blend her letters to sound out words. Go London! Miss Angie says she will be reading my the end of the school year. I love my little smartie pants.

Pepper and I took our very first girl's trip! I can't even begin to explain how much fun and very needed this was! We talked the whole way down and didn't even realize until on our way home that we didn't turn on the radio once. Funny huh? Who needs music when you have good conversation? We got pedicures, did tons of shopping, ate out at delicious restaurants, went to the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, sat in a hot tub, watched chick flicks, told juicy secrets, went to Women's Conference, and stayed up way too late. I am so grateful to have such an amazing friend as Pep. And I'm grateful to have a wonderful hubby that let me get away to have this bonding time with her.
I also have terrible news. My dear Uncle passed away yesterday. I am just heartbroken for my Aunt and two cousins. I wish I could have seen him at least one more time. It has been years since my last time seeing him, and I feel awful that I will not see him again in this life.