The last week of February we three went to Atlanta to can some food for our food storage. We got beans, flour, rice, oats, sugar, apples, carrots, dry milk, and onions. It still isn't enough, but it is a start. I can't believe how relieving it is to know that we have a nice back up if times get hard. Hopefully we'll never have to use it. It was so fun though to go to the cannery with the people from our ward. We had a blast packing food and visiting.
Another exciting event is that London has started solids. I was going to wait until our trip to Salt Lake was over, but she is so ready that I couldn't put it off any longer. She isn't fond of the rice cereal yet. We died laughing when she took that first bite! She gets so excited when the spoon gets close to her mouth and she'll open big and wide, but then make the funniest and nasty faces when she tastes the cereal. She spits most of it out for now, but she'll have it down soon. I can't believe how big she is getting. Solids already?